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We look for players with who have great attitudes, supportive parents and serious softball skills.  

12U (2008-2009) 
14U (2006-2007) 
16U/HS (2003-2005) 


Practice Schedule

Each team will notify players of their intended practice schedules.  In addition, it is highly recommended that players continue working with their own hitting, pitching and catching instructors at least once a week.  


Attendance at practices is expected. When unable to attend, please notify your coach ASAP.  


Fall Tournaments:  Teams will play three or four tournaments and scrimmages in the fall. For Middle School and High School aged teams, tournaments will typically be scheduled after school teams finish.  


No Tournaments. Indoor hitting practices will be held throughout the winter months, typically beginning in January.  


Spring and Summer

Tournaments: Teams will play in approximately two weekend tournaments every month beginning in March. Each team will independently determine total number of tournaments and the expected season completion date.

The Flames Organization

The Flames are governed by a board of trustees who work to ensure the best experience for the players, parents and coaches.  Please contact us if you have questions or suggestions at


Board Members

David Axelson: President

Mike Puckett: Treasurer

Scott Farrow

Sonja Greeley

Daniel Gershwin

Kimberly Hiler

Peter Kottke

Mark Light


​Policies and Principles

We will be passionate about practicing and competing while having fun and, of course, winning!


We (Coaches included) will all make an error or mistake. We will seek to learn from our
mistakes, try not to repeat them and have a positive attitude the next play.

Each of us (coaches, players, parents, etc.) controls our own attitude and effort. Our goal is to always put forth our best personal effort and maintain a positive attitude.


The Flames Organization is a member of the Positive Coaching Alliance. Players, Parents and Coaches will follow the guideline set forth by PCA and ensure we develop "better athletes, better people." The main premise is to treat our teammates, coaches, parents, opponents and umpires with respect. You can learn more by visiting


The family of each player will be asked to take on at least one administrative or organization role within the team. This is for two reasons

  • To allow the coaches to focus on coaching!

  • To enable everyone to have ownership in the team's success. 

If a player’s family is not able to assist the team and assume one of the participation opportunities, they may make a $250 financial donation to the team to offset the team workload.

Team dues are non‐refundable and are designed to cover the costs of the team which include: Uniforms, equipment, practice field use, team insurance and more.


Note: All uniforms, equipment, etc. issued during the season is to be used by the players but is the property of the Atlanta Flames until the conclusion of the 2019 tournament schedule. This is to make sure we have uniforms and gear for all players in the event a player leaves the team for any reason during the season (the leaving player's uniform and equipment will be used for replacement players.)


Restated: If a player leaves the team before the final tournament of 2019, they will turn in their uniform and helmet to the team manager.  This only applies to players vacating the team. Players remaining will own their uniforms and helmets at the conclusion of the last tournament. 

This list of rules, guidelines and principals is not meant to be all encompassing.  


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